Our series of #FeatureFriday articles introduces interesting artists and art forms to our online audiences. We are overjoyed to now include and introduce talented artist Sharon Griffin to this series.
We first met Sharon at the Waterperry Gardens annual event ‘Celebrating Ceramics Festival’ in July 2022, where she was exhibiting alongside another Feature Friday ceramicist, Jack Durling.
About Sharon Griffin
Sharon is based in Wellington, Shropshire. She has an MA in Ceramics from the University of Wolverhampton and has been a full-time practising figurative artist and sculptor since 2013. She also overseas and manages a community pottery workshop and is a fully qualified lecturer of art with many years of experience in teaching.
About Sharon Griffin’s art
Sharon’s human form figures are made from clay, and she mentions on her website, that when she starts creating “the sculpture is allowed to reveal itself as it is worked with… a conversation with clay.”
There’s something exceptionally engaging about the outcome, and even though they have (or perhaps because of) an almost unfinished nature about them, they have movement and expression that clearly communicates a current emotion or reaction. The leaning of the torso, the expression, colouring, and shadows, they all play together making the observer feel that they’re witnessing a hugely poignant moment in the figure’s timeline. This is not lifeless art; its expressive nature stokes our imagination and gives it life. There’s little surprise in the knowledge that the artist is inspired by nature, folklore and myth.
Equality matters
Sharon is an advocate for the empowerment of women, and the fact that objectification of women is still a current problem today, sits badly with her. She has our full support!
Where can Sharon’s work be seen?
- York Ceramics Fair – York Racecourse | 4 – 5 March 2023
- The Tangible Project – London Craft Week | London | 10 -14 May 2023
- Potfest By the Lake – Compton Verney | 23 – 25 June 2023
- International Ceramics Festival (ICF) – Aberystwyth | 30 June – 2 July 2023
- Celebrating Ceramics – Waterperry Gardens | 14 -16 July 2023
- Potfest Suffolk – 11 – 13th August 2023
- Twenty Twenty Gallery – Wildgoose Nursery | 15,16 &17th September
Website: www.sharongriffinart.com
Instagram: @sharongriffinart
YouTube: Sharon Griffin