Where did the last year go?

Did 2022 fly by for everyone? Here we are already prepping for this year’s London show collaboration next month – supporting Undiscovered Canvas and the Makwande Art Residency again. Following last year’s successful showing of Lulama Wolf’s residency works at SoShiro Gallery, we sponsored the Summer Makwande Residency in 2022 with artist Lesego Seoketsa. This year Undiscovered Canvas will showcase the additional South African artistic talent of Nthabiseng Kekana and Nene Mahlangu alongside Lesego at SoShiro Gallery in February.

Artwork by Nthabiseng Kekana


A lot of preparation and planning goes on behind the scenes for these shows so the images in this article offers a tiny glimpse of Nthabiseng works drying before being rolled and packed for us to collect and bring to the UK. Once here the works will go to expert stretcher and framer Priyesh Sudra of Sudra Art before we deliver them to SoShiro for the hanging and opening.

Next week we are going to share the preparation for stretching with Priyesh and then the process of stretching – a vital part of making artwork “show and buyer ready.