Paperwork templates to aid admin
We have provided guidance and templates for various shipping processes. For any other info please contact us.
Authority for a Customs Clearance Agent to act as Direct Representative
In order to avoid delays in post Brexit customs clearance for non-document items this form must be completed by all clients – it should be printed on your company letterhead, signed and authorised and returned via email to
Account Application
To open an account with Flight Logistics Group, you can either:
1) complete this online form and submit it to us. Once submitted, you will receive an email with the completed form, please print, sign and date it and either post it to us, or hand it to our Courier the first time we collect from you.
2) Download our editable pdf Account Form and follow the details in our “How to fill and sign the form” below. In both cases we do also require your Trade references on your Headed Paper – either email, post, or hand to the Courier.