As a specialist art shipping company with 30 years’ experience our clients have full access to a collection (excuse the pun) of art handling services from storage to global shipping. Among these is our print management solutions.
With dedicated print storage areas, we provide a specialised environment designed to protect prints (whether limited edition runs, exhibition artworks, or marketing material). The inclusion of in-house flat packing helps minimise risk of damage (such as creasing, bending, or tearing) during handling and transit times. Additionally, flat-packed prints once unpacked, are easier to frame and display than prints which have been rolled and tubed.
The above video features Oskar from of our ShipArtTM team flat packing a print by Cameron Twins (West Contemporary) in our art storage facility at Heathrow. It was shot and edited for the benefit of those looking for the ultimate way to flat pack prints.
You will find further information about our art services on our ShipArtTM page.