Whilst off-setting carbon is not a solution to climate change in its own right, as part of a robust environmental policy that is committed to a net zero emissions target, it is vital for the elements of a carbon footprint that cannot be removed or improved. For just over a year, we have been seeking a transparent and effective ‘off-set’ scheme and we finally think we have found “The One” – or rather it has somewhat serendipitously found us!
“Forests Without Frontiers” meets our corporate environmental needs but more importantly it meets our mutual environment’s needs – our earth needs this project to rewild, regenerate, protect, conserve, and create areas of biodiversity. We will be talking to clients in the coming weeks before the project launches about the exciting opportunities this CIC offers us all through a chain of mutual support. In the same way that we are an extension of our client’s supply chain management we can also be an extension of their environmental credentials.
We hope that you will join us!
“I believe that reforestation is everybody’s responsibility. We can’t keep taking from nature without giving back. As an artist, using music and arts seems a natural way to bring people together, spread the message, and empower creative action. I encourage you all to join us and become the voice of the forest.”
— Nicoleta Carpineanu, Founder of Forests Without Frontiers