How did an unknown artist go from obscurity, to creating an opportunity that may get her work promoted globally to an audience that her “brand” was built for?
On the one hand you have Amalie Bodie an up-and-coming female artist that we featured not long ago, who was unknown and looking for a market. On the other you have David Murray, who is currently being well publicised as he prepares to row across the Atlantic with partner Guy Rigby. The duo will set out in December and are looking to break a world record for the oldest pair ever to make the crossing. Headline stuff.
Amalie Bodie
When we last interviewed Amalie, she told us that there was an exciting new development in progress and that she would let us know what it was. Forward wind five months and she is now running a small online business selling her artwork… on garments. She found a way to market her work and puts her success down to three main things: sheer hard work, understanding and being true to her brand, and plenty of networking on and offline.
Amalie’s art is a mix of several influences including Mandala, Doodle Art and Indian with her own twist. Having built an audience and prestige for her work first through online social channels, she then had her online store built so her followers could then buy what they’ve come to know and like. Not believing in “build it and they will come” she worked hard networking with the right people interested in her style of art.
With 8,000 true followers on Instagram and a business page on Facebook she launched her brand ambod and she is beginning to create a career out of her passion…
“ambod is for all those people who embody spirit and adventure … it belongs to the sea, the beach, the skateboard park, meeting mates round a fire, skiing down a steep mountain, riding a bike, flying through the air or simply enjoying life anywhere.” (About Us – ambod website).
Dave Murray
Dave Murray is an example of her success, and a perfect match for her brand. Outdoorsy, energetic, with a real passion for adventure and pushing himself to the limit. He liked the brand and the artwork and bought Amalie’s “The Wave” on a T-shirt. Receiving it he posted;
“I was particularly taken by the talented designs of this young entrepreneur. Her original illustration taken through to design and production and marketed through her website and social channels. I will certainly be taking this T-shirt with me during the row.”
But David is also a great fit for her brand in another way as he has an altruistic mentality. David and his fellow rower make up “The Entrepreneur Ship 2021” and are rowing to raise money for UnLtd a charity that supports social entrepreneurs across the UK. To understand the fit in even more depth you would have to read the section “About the artist” on Amalie’s website.
Image of David and Guy from The Entrepreneur Ship website.
The relationship
The two parties are now linked through a single purchase and it’s down to brand connection. Amalie’s company “ambod” will be following The Entrepreneur Ship 2021’s progress, reposting updates and stories of their crossing, and David will be carrying with him a piece of her art across the waves to success.