Everyone knows that the coronavirus has, for the time being, changed the face of the art exhibition and events sectors. There have been cancellations, postponements, and a lack of footfall, with no real confidence that any future dates in 2020 will be set in stone.
The Surrey Artists Open Studios 2020 event, which has been running since 19 Sept, ended this weekend. It offered art lovers the opportunity to meet artists and buy amazing work directly from them. Whilst on the @punchbowltrail this weekend our Marcomms Manager took the opportunity to get some feedback from one of the exhibitors with particular reference to the pandemic’s effects.
Libby Daniels (Ceramicist) – Little Green Studio
“Preparation for a COVID safe SAOS (which was re-arranged from June) was really straightforward. The QR code for the NHS track and trace app was available to scan or visitors could simply leave their contact number. Everyone is now used to hand sanitisation and masks when they come into my studio so it wasn’t an issue.
Getting the word out that the event was on was hard as there was no printed brochure this year and I think the public have got so used to not going to things recently. Footfall was low but those that did visit me were so enthusiastic about seeing and purchasing my work and it was lovely to chat face to face. All the artists and makers involved really value, more than ever this year, that contact with the public. (Socially distanced of course!)”.
Our thanks to Libby who will next be exhibiting at The Farnham Maltings Festival of Crafts on 17th and 18th October. For anyone interested, booking is required via the website www.farnhammaltings.com and all the usual COVID safety procedures will be in place so visitors can feel safe about coming to the event.
We’ll look forward to that one too.