“Dear All…Good news you great people. The books have been delivered to us. Thank you a hundred times, you are great and wonderful friends”.
From Pastor Sammy, the recipient
Flight was invited by Bradfield College, Berkshire to assist them in establishing a library for children at an after-school youth community centre in Huruma district, Nairobi, Kenya. Initially our involvement was merely to help with the collection and delivery of educational books, but we took it another step further and used our social channels to appeal to Publishing organisations for donations, a call that generated a generous donation by Palazzo Editions.
“We welcome the opportunity to support this wonderful cause and are delighted to offer an assortment of our kid’s books to help educate the children in Huruma, Kenya”.
Jon Rippon – Managing Director, Palazzo Editions Limited
The EDCLUB Movement
EDCLUB Movement gives kids from a range of countries (Kenya, UK, India, Netherlands, Malawi) the chance to build a better future through self-education and encouragement by giving them access to computers and encouraging them to learn using the Internet.
Bradfield College supports the movement by mentoring kids in Huruma district (Kenya) via Skype. Each week, over 20 pupils Skype primary school aged children in Nairobi Kenya to help them with reading, learning, maths and various other educational skills.
“Marvellous news, the books have arrived safely in Haruma. Pastor Sammy and Joseph are beside themselves with joy. Thank you all so much. I can’t begin to tell you the difference these books are going to make to the community of Haruma…”.
From Tash Ely of the Ed Club Movement
The Library
In addition to this, a small group of Bradfield pupils have now set up a project to resource and build a library at their Kenya partner school as an extra learning resource.