Benefit from a growing collection of helpful articles written by artists, sellers, art collectors and buyers as they open up about their personal experiences producing, selling and/or buying art in today’s marketplace. It is their personal journey’s that are so interesting, and we hope you’ll find that the stories that feature in the #sellbuyart collection are not only inspiring, but that they also offer some kind of support in your own endeavours and the decisions you make.
We also invite you to share your opinions (please see below for guidance).
What are the experiences of other artists? How can an artist best promote themselves and their artwork? How hard is it to make art a career? Do artists and galleries receive more interest and better sales at art fairs, in the art gallery, or selling art online? Does one drive footfall to the other? Do you simply get a different type of buyer at an art fair rather than a gallery? Do you get a lot of viewings at art fairs but not many sales? And where do online art stores enter into things and how successful are they for selling art? What makes one succeed over another? #sellbuyart aims to bring you the answers through the experiences of others…
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Brought to you by Flight Logistics-ShipartTM
Why are we qualified to manage the debate?
ShipArtTM sits in the middle of the art sector and builds lasting relationships with artists, galleries, collectors, investors, curators and organisers of art fairs. From this position and with a genuine interest in all things art (our staff are art lovers and collectors), we are perfectly positioned to take a neutral stance and draw upon our community to bring you a wealth of opinions on the subject of buying and selling art in the current market.
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*By doing so you give us permission to add your article to the above growing list and to promote it across the social channels.