Today we are wearing the customers shoes! We are aiming to map their experience journey with us from the initial sales approach through to ongoing loyalty engendered by after sales care. We want our map to identify client expectation (relative to value!), key moments of interaction or touch points where we aim to differentiate between us and our competitors, stress points where something prevents us meeting expectation at a touch point(perhaps there are inefficiencies or inconsistencies that can be improved) and opportunities touch that our competitors ignore.
Some touch points will need hallmarking ie identifying as key points at which we distinguish ourselves from our competitors to add value and really engage customers. These must be the points that add the factor to the client experience and therefore are worth investing more resource in. It is unrealistic for us to attempt to every step of the customer service experience unless we can price the entire experience for every customer accordingly!
The bottom line is that customers desire more pleasure and less pain from any buying experience, therefore we must consider the journey and map the route from their perspective.