It’s our pleasure to invite entries by artists to take part in a selection process that will offer the winner amazing opportunities and it’s easy to take part.
If your art is chosen it will be professionally displayed on our next #ShipArt #ArtOnWheels art shipping vehicle (at our cost) which will visit other artists, buyers, collectors, galleries, and exhibitions on a daily basis from London to Europe for years. Imagine the exposure your art will receive.
All you have to do is follow the details below to enter and then follow in the footsteps of some well-known #ShipArt #ArtOnWheels artists like Dan Kitchener, D*Face, SNIK, Seaty, The London Police, Jim Starr, Adelaide Damoah, Natasha Kumar, Richard Orlinski, David Aiu, and Sophie Long.
Background to the ShipArt ArtOnWheels vehicles
The Flight Logistics ShipArt™ vehicle wrap project was started in 2016. In celebration of our corporate 25th anniversary year we had been working with and sponsoring a unique cross section of the global art community in our drive to support artists, encourage creativity and make a small contribution to the movement to make art in its infinite forms accessible to all. As 2016 was a special year for us we particularly wanted to celebrate and mark the occasion with an artistic venture of our own which would be highly visible to all. Since then the project has grown in size and significance – in 4 years we have wrapped 14 vehicles in unique artwork – each artist and work has been selected for their own particular contribution to our shared vision of accessible public art together with strong environmental and humanitarian credentials. With a new acute public awareness and sensitivity of these issues and their inevitable interconnectivity these will be vital criteria to consider when selecting artwork for ShipArt ™ vehicle number 15.
What you need to know
Flight Logistics as a company and the selectors collectively and individually care deeply about inclusivity, diversity, sustainability and the environment – our artists should share these values and consider their subject matter accordingly. The messages carried by our vehicles are shared globally – both in the literal sense – throughout the UK and Europe and through our social media platforms. Whichever artist is selected will have our media support network sharing the project and the message.
Artists (not galleries or representatives) are invited to submit a piece of their own artwork for consideration along with a short bio which should reflect the artists general motivating factors and their significance in the artwork being submitted. In the first instance a photograph of the artwork together with a short paragraph about the artist and the significance of the artwork should be emailed to . We have a selection committee of 5 and receipt of all images will be acknowledged.
Artists should be aware that the vehicle background colour is black, their artwork will be fitted on both sides (identical but reversed) and that on average they will have 60 seconds or so to make an impact as the vehicle is driven around! The back doors and the bonnet of the vehicle will have our corporate logo on them. Although the schematic below shows the main dimension of the final artwork the artwork can go across the doors and wing panels and the wrapping company will create a “bleed” area to extend the design.
Flight Logistics Schematic with Dimensions
The original artwork can be of any size, the wrapping company will resize it to fit the vehicle and also produce a wrap that takes into account the contours of the vehicle and doors. If your image is selected you will need to be able to supply a hi-res image of the piece at a min of 300 dpi, it will be sized up to 150 dpi and approx. 5300mm x 2400mm.
Here’s a quick recap on how to enter
To be submitted by email to
- images of a small selection of art for consideration by our panel (appropriate to above information), and that will fill an area of 4.3 metres by 1.9 metres. It must look good on black
- a short bio paragraph about the artist and the significance of the artwork which should reflect the artists general motivating factors and their significance in the artwork being submitted.
Dates to be aware of:
- Closing date (and all art in) July 31st 2020
- The selected artist to be announced by August 14th 2020.
- The artwork will be submitted in correct format to wrapping company by August 21st 2020.
- Target wrap date is Monday 7th Sept 2020. Please note that the wrapping company needs 3 weeks for proofing, printing, wrap production and drying before wrapping date.