You’ve got to admire entrepreneurs who come up with a good idea then make it happen! Everyone wants to achieve this – find the golden next best thing, then do “a bit of work” before watching the money come tumbling in. But there’s so much more to it than that, and if that’s your view on how it all happens then you can stop wondering why it all works out for them and not you.

Take for instance one of our e-commerce clients Caroline Wagstaff and her business Backbliss. Her success is not just down to a blooming good idea, it’s also because she is a true entrepreneur who has found a niche market and has supported it all with hard work, a determination to succeed, a spirit of not giving up, and getting the right partner (Flight Logistics) and infrastructure in place to take the online orders and then deliver it to your front door. The pick and pack and final mile delivery are often the last thing people think about, it should be one of the first! How can you cost something without knowing how much the logistics part is?
Her story started on holiday, she like all of us, was unable to apply suntan evenly to her back, and so through trial and error, came up with the items that now populate a large area in our warehouse waiting to be sold. She even put herself in front of the infamous Dragons, and came away with their approval if not their financial backing. There were knocks along the way, but she listened to feedback, took advice, adapted and improved her offering and delivery solutions, and now she’s an e-commerce success.
We are proud to be a part of her story…