According to a recent survey by CIPHR, half of British workers are stressed before they arrive at work. Therefore, it’s entirely beneficial for companies to do what they can to change employee mindset to a more positive one on arrival. How?… Through art of course.
Artwork in your office can have a huge impact on the overall mood, motivation and productivity of staff. Imagine the difference between sitting all day in an office full of colour and imagination, with one that has empty walls.

Watch this video showing our ‘Stairway to heaven’ art collection


Flight Logistics-ShipArtTM have a growing office art curation and now it starts from the moment you walk in through our doors. Displayed in our reception area and all the way up our stairway are space themed prints and originals. The inspiration of this ‘Stairway to heaven’ comes from our recent sponsorship of the One Small Step event.
Bring colour to your place of work, and give staff the inspiration to be creative.