Our spectacular fleet of art vehicles showcases stunning works of art by selected global artists. Each one is completely unique and now we are at 20 it’s becoming more challenging to find just the right work from just the right artist. We are absolutely delighted to announce that we have found the perfect next participant. British photographer Gina Soden will be joining the list of our “wrap artists” for none other than our 20th van with her individualistic form of photographic art.
Image sourced from Gina Soden’s website and Instagram
Recently Gina announced that two of her works had been selected for The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition which is amazing! Congratulations Gina and welcome to our Vehicle Wrap Public Art Program…
About Gina Soden and what can we expect?
Gina travels throughout Europe using carefully researched maps on which she has located pre-selected abandoned buildings to photograph the beauty of their decaying interiors alongside the reclamation by nature of their environment.
The original grandness that each setting once enjoyed before time ravaged it is picked up so perfectly by Gina’s lens that they once again become a thing of beauty. It looks so good that it seems almost as if the original idea for each location was to have decorative peeling paint, loose plaster, and interior wild plant life.
Images sourced from Gina Soden’s website and Instagram
Once back in her London studio, prints are produced inhouse using a premium quality paper which offers wonderful colour depth and the best image definition and is ideal for Gina’s vibrantly coloured and textured photographs.
Gina has been interviewed and published in countless magazines and has exhibited here in the UK and internationally. Currently Gina is presenting on Sky Arts “Access all Arts” week inspiring a younger audience and new generation of artists.
About the ShipArt™ – #flightlgart/#ArtOnWheels Fleet
Full information including the background and introductions to each vehicle and its artist can be found on this dedicated page – ShipArt™ #flightlgart Vehicle Wrap Public Art Program page.